Help Celebrate Our 20th Anniversary with Free Receipt Paper and $250 Rebate

December 5, 2014, by admin

To help celebrate Our 20th year of providing small businesses with cost effective credit card processing solutions, for a limited time, each merchant who sends in their most recent Merchant Statement for a no obligation competitive pricing analysis will receive a FREE BOX OF RECEIPT PAPER.


Signing up for your free box of receipt paper is easy, simply visit and complete a short contact form.  A friendly and knowledgeable representative will contact you to determine the proper receipt paper needed for your credit card machine or other devices in order to process the shipment.


€œEvery merchant that signs up for a lower cost account will have their choice of either a $250.00 rebate towards the purchase of new EMV compliant equipment including: Credit Card Machines, PIN Pads or even the popular Cloud Based Point of Sale Solutions like the new Clover POS Tablet based system.  If they already have new EMV compliant credit card processing equipment, they can opt-in to just receive $250.00 cash.€ says Gino Kauzlarich, President of Inc.


$250 Rebate

Every merchant that gets a new merchant account will receive the $250.00 rebate. Merchants can receive multiple $250.00 rebates by either:

  • Signing Up Additional Business Locations.
  • Referring Another Business. The Referral Party is automatically paid $250.00 for every business that gets a new account during the promotion.

€œWe specialize in increasing our family of merchant€™s bottom line profits.  Our merchant services feature no application fees, low annual fees, no monthly minimums and NO rate increases.  All of our merchants€™ receive interchange pass through programs for a straight forward €œcost plus€ rate that is locked and will not increase, guaranteed! We€™ve never had a merchant fail in business because of excessive cash flow!€ adds Kauzlarich



Established in 1995, provides leading edge credit card machine and business management solutions proven to increase total sales, accelerate cash flow, improve efficiency and reduce expense. also features the most economical merchant services pricing program, Interchange Pass Through, for ALL merchants, and is proud of their €œNo Rate Increase Guarantee€.


For more information  call 888-288-3816


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